Thursday, January 28, 2010

Wedding Letter Sample How Do I Go About Asking My Friend's Parents If We Can Use Their Backyard For Our Wedding? Need Sample Letter

How do I go about asking my friend's parents if we can use their backyard for our wedding? Need sample letter - wedding letter sample

I tried an online search for some sample letters, but can not find anything. I do not know how to ask questions and want to send an official letter to obtain informed consent.


Rachel - Just Married! said...

Both would be a formal letter ... Well ... Formally, I think it would be good to ask, personally. If you are close to this friend, I'm sure he would gladly discuss with you your wedding, by helping your garden. You should take your (and your friend) for dinner, go home for dinner or ask in person (with a previously purchased with a gift, if you) say yes immediately. But ask him a way and at a time when you deprive them of the possibility of time (a week to a few weeks), the decision must be examined.

Good luck!

ilovewed... said...

Hello. I think that is the only ceremony? NO to the reception? Why do not you ask your friend to feel from their parents. Maybe you could ask their parents. Then, if they do not want you, your "No" can go through his daughter.

I think what I would do. He has not developed and implemented a face to face .... Rejection or denial letter.

Nikki the Wedding Planner & B2B said...

I wouldnt use a letter. Its great for impoersonal and is in high demand.
First, talk to your friend. If you think you can then ask whether ITH gow invited. You and your friend should go. Tell them to ask you something, and you do not immediately believe the answer for them. then ask.

Julie C said...

What did muffin, it's better to ask in person. Tell them you do not respond immediately, give them time to think. Drink a glass of flowers, if you're going.

Nora said...

I think it does really exist. let the friend of her parents, what they ask about the wedding at home. If you do not even excited. It would be asking too much.

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