Which is better for feng shui bed placement? - door as headboard
Header between two windows, with his feet against the wall with the door (but the bed is directly opposite the door) or next to his head, his feet on the two windows? Thank you.
Which is better for feng shui bed placement? - door as headboard
Header between two windows, with his feet against the wall with the door (but the bed is directly opposite the door) or next to his head, his feet on the two windows? Thank you.
There are several ways to put the bed in a dormitory on the basic concepts of fengshui. They can be 8 homes or east-west use, explains the concept of Lillian Too in September in his books. But do not win this technique to get rich when you face your success / money management is not love to win if your face and romance. What will you do more business, your mind is sensitive business matters when you face your email success are more sensitive to the feelings of others when you face your romance / love direction. Dealing with this is based on your Kua, which is calculated from the date of birth.
If you use under the stars, you can measure the map of the stars on the run overlay (as determined by the degree of alignment of the front door of the house and the period of the house) into the space. Bed placed where good energy. again the star map of the flight is calculated to find the good and bad energy energy instead of a house.
and Xuan Kong Gua da concept has the formula to see if the space for the occupants or not healthy.
I know it sounds complicated, and you're looking for a simple DIY. But the real fengshui. everything revolves around measurement, calculation and analysis.
fengshui simply the most convenient for windows, doors, beds - they have no significant impact on his life, which means that information is worthless, so most authors writing on this, and most Feng Shui masters, they freely give. because it does not matter where you at your bed. Why? The main reason is that it depends on fengshui chi. Chi depends on space, the Chi is. Always use a space that activates the Chi. Chi can be bad, or it can be good. If you put the bad chi, accidents and evil, that the disease occurs when good chi is activated, the good that happens as you won the lottery. Chi is the energy that can be perceived by humans, can be predicted fengshui no significance calculations using the terms. So, if your house at least 67% or 2 / 3 's has good feng shui, then you need a significant impact on their lives. but if they only move the bed to hDevelopment which will have a positive impact on your life, then good for something out of your bed will be rejected by another bad feng shui in the house. Chi is energy in the house that is in constant interaction with other Chi in and out of the house and it also interacts with the times. Yes, the time has a fengshui developed. So, if you make a treatment or a cure, bad things can happen in time, if not cured or not.
but if you do that you simply fengshui:
Some avoid Chinese, a room with 2 separate windows. because it is difficult, a bed and 2 windows are like eyes that are crying for a death or an adverse event. but that is exactly what the elderly Chinese.
and remember a room to hold at least more yin and yang (bright colors, TV, stereo, computer games and) a bowl of water, plants and mirrors opposite the bed.
If your room is small and can not get out of bed before the door chi (you lose is,,) was at the door, the address of an angle in the room and a beautiful fountain is at the door a little stand with a "fight" jar. Godloveya.
It's stupid.
Do not listen to this first type.
The bed was opposite the door:
http://www.hgtv.com/hgtv/dc_design_feng_ ...
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